Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday~ Lunch Outing & Tackling LOTS

Happy Friday!!! I am so glad to have you pop in and visit my little blog. I already question if what I have been sharing is of interest to anyone so I am very thankful for those that have already visited me and commented and gave me a shout out on their own blog. Thank you!!! 

School is about to start for us (we homeschool) in a little under three weeks. My husband thinks I need to hold off and wait until Hannah returns (our senior) from Brazil from her missions trip. I have plans to start Kyle (9th grader) on the 15th and then she will start on the 29th. I am still debating because he has a full year and she has worked hard to make her Senior light so she can afford the delay. I may not start all subjects with him at once. I am still in prayer about it and trying to decide the best plan. I am preparing as if I am starting August 15th though at this time. 

I try to get out and have any lunch dates, coffee dates, or major appointments I need to have before school starts. It can get a little harder for me to visit with friends or invest in ladies at the church when I am schooling. Even though my kids are older I still have to be available for them because of some learning issues they deal with. 

My friend (Tammy) and I went and enjoyed a nice lunch at a local area outdoor mall. They have fresh delish Chinese food that is affordable. We then went used some coupons for Bath & Body Works and I got some free body spray that smells amazing called Poppy. IT WAS HOT though walking to the stores. 

I have a lot of things I need to do and so my brain feels a little all over. When this happens I need to make a master to do (brain dump) and then I try to tackle a little every day. I have school planning, housework, preparing Hannah for her trip, church things, and errands. 

How do you handle a lot of projects, to do's, and demands? What are some your favorite tips on how you organize and tackle a big lists? I would love to hear!!! 

Blessings in EVERY SEASON,

Chrissy T

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Planning and Stopping to Enjoy the Flowers

Today was busy! Church records, Dr Appointment for Hannah, light housework, trip to store, and school planning. I braved the heat and went out to admire some of our flowers today just to take a little breather! We all need to do that. 

Our local nature center sales transplants that look all dead and hopeless in the Spring. You can buy native flowering plants, shrubs and bushes for a fraction of the cost. A friend and I jumped on that deal and we got some swamp sunflowers, sage, and some other things as well. The swamp sunflower plant is over 6 ft tall. It is really a beautiful piece of work. Here is one of the blooms...

It is so beautiful!!!! It has a ton of blooms on this plant. I am trying to remember what this plant below is called I have written it down somewhere but I will show it anyway. I love how these all were little dead looking small things that have turned into beautiful plants full of life. It has purple little blooms.

The lantana is doing good. It usually does the best for heat in my area. I love lantana! 

I have been super busy today. I am working on going through school curriculum and lesson planning. It can be super time consuming. I am thankful to get started because I am actually a little later planning than I wanted. 

I hope you all have a lovely evening!!! We have church and then we are going to take my daughter to eat. I was planning to cook but my husband wanted to take her so that is what we are doing. :) 

I would love to hear what are some of your favorite flowers?  I love Hydrangea!! I love them all to be honest!!!


Chrissy T

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Summer Cozy Tuesday

 The word Cozy never really sticks out to me in the summer especially in 100 degree weather. I always think of Fall or Winter as COZY! 

                                                Bread Baking in January speaks COZY to me.

Like the name of my blog, you really just have to embrace each season. I am spending more time indoors this month. I actually love the summer. I love the pool! I love sunscreen and coconut smells, I love getting new pool towels, making fresh lemonade, pool bags, and all things summer. 

FOR LIKE A MONTH or TWO! Then I am ready for cool weather. HAHA! Summer in Mississippi is like the armpit of the devil. I am not joking. It is terribly wet humid thick hot sticky heat. May and June feels like a nice summer here and then JULY and AUGUST come and you want to hole up and never come out.  Even the pool water is hot and it is no longer enjoyable. 

We have to make the most of every season even the hot sticky ones. I am currently hearing some sweet birds chirping out my window. One of my favorite sounds. I love hearing birds. Do you??

I am making this a SUMMER COZY DAY! Kicked off with coffee in bed and Bible reading as well as reading my current spiritual growth book. I just finished 2 Peter today. 

Last night, I kicked this off with a wonderful jacuzzi bath and lit a special candle a friend gave me.  I  used this AMAZING new shower gel from Bath and Body! It smells PERFECT! It is called Cozy Evening. Then curled up to watch the first movie of Downton Abbey. 

There are a ton of things I need to and should be doing, but I am just honestly super tired feeling and so I know it's best to listen to that and embrace it and try to do a few small things and rest if I needed.

What is your favorite way to get cozy??? A good book, candle, special treat, a movie, or a nice dinner??

Have a wonderful day, friends!!!

Chrissy T

Monday, July 25, 2022

Happy Homemaker's Monday ~ July 25, 2022


Happy Monday! I am so excited to be doing my first Happy Homemaker's Monday!!!! This is hosted by Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Check out her wonderful & beautiful blog and others that link up!!

**The Weather**

HOT! That is all I can say!!! I am in DEEP SOUTH. That sums it up!!! 

Monday- Sunny- High 94*

Tuesday- Sunny- High 94*

Wednesday- Sunny-High 95*

Thursday- Sunny- High 95*

Friday- 50% rain- High 92*

Saturday- 60% rain-High 90*

**As I look out my window.....

The sun is brightly shining on the forest in our backyard. It is letting us know it will be another hot one!

**Right now I am....

Trying to get my bearings. I woke up too many times last night and so it threw me off my morning routine.  I am trying to get myself going. 

**Thinking and Pondering....

To be honest I had a lot of things I wanted to accomplish today and it is much later than anticipated when I woke up due to my lack of sleep. I am trying to decide the flow of the day. I am also pondering and thinking on implementing better eating because I haven't been doing the best with that and I am feeling it. 

**How am I feeling....

I just feel blessed and peaceful. I have this amazing source (Jesus) and He calms all my fears and worries. 

**On the Breakfast plate....

Coffee!! Normally, I eat a good breakfast but due to my late wake up time I decided to skip.

**On the Lunch plate.....

More than likely if I eat it will be a delish sandwich. It is so hot here and I like light cool food this time of year.

**On the dinner plate....

I am going to be having dinner out with a dear friend. She has been down with Covid and she is now feeling much better and so we will have some catch up time and let her get out of the house. My husband is traveling and my kids are all doing other things so it is a great time to have dinner with a friend. 

**What I am wearing....

Jammies but about to get dressed for the day. A loose white cool shirt and skirt is on the plan

** What I am reading....

*The Well-Watered Woman by Grechen Saffles (I am halfway finished)

*A Life of Prayer

*I am studying and slowly digesting 2 Peter in the Bible

**What I am watching....

*Shark Week is on my plan this week. 

*Downtown Abbey Movies (2019 & 2022) 

My Favorite Youtube homemaking vlogs (Davee Kilian, Old World Home, This Bashful Life, and In the Kitchen with Mel)

**On the Menu...

Our menu will look very different this week (common in summer) my husband flew out for work at 4 AM this morning and my youngest son is at nana's for a visit. 

Monday- Dinner out with my dear friend Tammy

Tuesday- Toasted Sandwiches and fruit bc it will be just my daughter and I

Wednesday- Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad with rolls

Thursday- Poppyseed Chicken Casserole, Green Beans, Rolls

Friday- Date Night

Saturday- Leftovers/frozen pizza (My husband is never home on Saturday evenings and doesn't eat dinner because he prepares for his sermon at this time. The kids and I just help ourselves typically. Plus, my kids all work and usually eat on their own time. 


**Looking around the house....

I see work I need to do, but if I really look I see beauty of the bible sitting on the coffee table that my husband always forgets to put up but it reminds me how thankful I am He reads. 

**To do list the week....

*Do a nice thorough clean of each room

*Work on homeschool planning

*Clean my car in and out

*Do bills and checkbook

*Do church deposit (I am a pastor's wife and do the bookkeeping)

*Make a master list of things I need to do before homeschool begins

*Work on photo plans. I have ordered prints for 2021-until now and deciding if I want to do albums or scrapbooks

*Check Hannah's list for missions and order anything needed for Brazil

**From the Camera....

Our Rose bush is hanging in there. This heat hasn't been the best for this bush for some reason this year. I just love how intricate and beautiful roses are.


"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

~James 5:16

Keep praying!!!

Thank you for popping by my little spot in blogland. 

Remember we go from season to season and Jesus holds our hand in each one. 


Chrissy T

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Weekend Recap- Seasons of Late Nights

 Happy Sunday!!! 

This season is so unique. I am watching my children become young adults and use their talents and skills. My daughter started playing with a camera when she was 10 years old. Over the last few years, she has started her own little business in photography. 

This week she had two events for an Indian wedding. It was so amazing. I have never been to anything like this in my life. Experiencing different cultures is something I love and this was for sure an experience. Spicy food, certain traditional rules that we had to be aware of, dancing (not us but them) and money falling out of the sky. It was very over the top and glam but a neat experience for Hannah and myself.

The photoshoots were both very late. The events started at 8:30 PM in a downtown city area that isn't the safest where we live so I went with her because I wasn't comfortable her going by herself. 

 This weekend also kicked off our Homeschool Back to School Event. We are in a massive group of close to 1000 homeschoolers. We live in a very heavy homeschool area. Anyway, HANNAH is a SENIOR!!! So, we got to see old friends, her basketball friends, and sign up for her Senior year events and talked to some college and activity promoters. That was neat. Although, Hannah has no desire for college, she hopes to build her business in photography. For example, her photoshoots she just did she made $350 in four hours. Not too shabby for 17 years old. She also has funded her missions trip to Brazil next month by her photoshoots.

The season of life I am in is late night talks to mend a broken heart with a teen, or to help them see a bigger and better picture when they are hurt, or to talk about dreams and goals. It is late night photoshoots eating strange food that will burn your lips off (Indian food is spicy) so you do not offend someone and laughing your head off that your mouth is burned secretly with your daughter. 

It is putting up with independence and giving them room to fly and grow when you really want to tell them what to do and fix everything for them. 

I do have other kids, but this weekend was a Hannah weekend. :) I will share more on my other kiddos later. I will still call them my kids no matter their age. 

I am so excited to be blogging again. Even if nobody pops in (I hope someone does eventually) but it is nice to type/write my heart and share some memories. 


Chrissy T

Friday, July 22, 2022

Welcome & I Am Back.....

 Welcome!!! I am Chrissy! I used to be an avid blogger. Like daily...every single day....there was a post!! I created an amazing community and made lifelong friends. In 2015, my life took a very dark turn. It was one of the darkest periods of my life. As you notice the title of my blog is called, One Season to the Next....because really that is how our lives work.  We ebb and flow in and out of seasons. Some are short and sweet and some are long and dry. Some seasons are turbulent and so fast you had no idea what happen. Some seasons are wonderfully super and you pray it doesn't end. 

I will spare the dark details of what stopped my blogging. It was nothing sinister. It was nothing with my marriage or family. Although, we faced so many obstacles, but the season I entered in my own personal life was so long I had no idea if I would ever go to the next season. I am thankful to say I eventually did but it took a lot of healing.

There has been this longing for a few months now to get back in the old world of blogging. Some may think it is long gone. There is instagram, facebook, and so many other MEDIA ways to share your life. Blogging was always different to me as it was a place to share my heart, recipes, daily housework, tips and tricks, memories with my family, and decorating I like to do for our home. I like trying to save money and I love challenges that help create better homes such as declutting challenges. 

The season of life I'm in right now is so different from when I started blogging in 2005. I had one little boy and now he is grown and lives on his own. I have two more children, one that will be 18 in a few months and will graduate and my baby is entering high school. 

I am a Pastor's wife and a homeschool mama. Thank you for joining me as we ebb and flow through our seasons together!!!


Chrissy T

Weekend Recap- Seasons of Late Nights

 Happy Sunday!!!  This season is so unique. I am watching my children become young adults and use their talents and skills. My daughter star...