Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Planning and Stopping to Enjoy the Flowers

Today was busy! Church records, Dr Appointment for Hannah, light housework, trip to store, and school planning. I braved the heat and went out to admire some of our flowers today just to take a little breather! We all need to do that. 

Our local nature center sales transplants that look all dead and hopeless in the Spring. You can buy native flowering plants, shrubs and bushes for a fraction of the cost. A friend and I jumped on that deal and we got some swamp sunflowers, sage, and some other things as well. The swamp sunflower plant is over 6 ft tall. It is really a beautiful piece of work. Here is one of the blooms...

It is so beautiful!!!! It has a ton of blooms on this plant. I am trying to remember what this plant below is called I have written it down somewhere but I will show it anyway. I love how these all were little dead looking small things that have turned into beautiful plants full of life. It has purple little blooms.

The lantana is doing good. It usually does the best for heat in my area. I love lantana! 

I have been super busy today. I am working on going through school curriculum and lesson planning. It can be super time consuming. I am thankful to get started because I am actually a little later planning than I wanted. 

I hope you all have a lovely evening!!! We have church and then we are going to take my daughter to eat. I was planning to cook but my husband wanted to take her so that is what we are doing. :) 

I would love to hear what are some of your favorite flowers?  I love Hydrangea!! I love them all to be honest!!!


Chrissy T


  1. Hydrangeas are one of my faves. I also love Lilies and roses. I usually go to my Lowe's and buy their clearance plants, and have been very blessed in being able to bring them back to life.
    Your flowers are gorgeous, wow!!!

    1. Sandra,
      I just love hydrangeas but I never have good blessings with them. They tend to get those little brown spots really bad.
      I also love lilies and roses as well. There are just so many amazing flowers!!!!
      That is so awesome about getting clearance plants I may try that.

  2. I love flowers and blooms. Those are pretty.

    1. Thank you so much for popping in. I love flowers and blooms too!!

  3. Yes, I love hydrangeas as well. I think I have lost my oldest one due to blackberry vines taken over the area. I wasn't able to take it away recently except for ones that were tall by west side of house in flower bed. They are annoying and I need to make the weed spray from items I have. Hopefully it will work without all the awful stuff like Roundup. I wouldn't let my husband use it in that area or it would kill my tulips and daffodil bulbs, :-{ . He didn't spray it thankfully!!! It's been hot today but a bit cooler this evening. Cooler in a few days thankfully and maybe some rain next week...we shall see!

    1. I had one at my other home before we moved. I love it. I always fought with those pesky brown spots though.

  4. I love tulips and sunflowers. I actually have some nice dwarf sunflowers growing this year and I am super excited about them.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Christine! Thank you!!! I like it at the beginning and then around the end of July I am kind of ready for cooler

  6. A girl after my own heart! I love all kinds of flowers. Tulips are my favorite. I have been pondering where I could plant a hydrangea. I think they beautiful as cut flowers.

    I am knee deep in school planning. Only two more subjects to plan. Whew!

    1. I just love flowers. I wish I could have fresh arrangements every single day!!!!!! I literally had to step away from the table. My back was killing me and my mind was swarming with all that needs to be done next year.

  7. Hello, Sweet Blog! Just wanted to say hi! I love flowers that have a really lovely fragrance! Blessings, Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy. Thank you so much for popping in!!!! I love them too!


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