Friday, July 22, 2022

Welcome & I Am Back.....

 Welcome!!! I am Chrissy! I used to be an avid blogger. Like daily...every single day....there was a post!! I created an amazing community and made lifelong friends. In 2015, my life took a very dark turn. It was one of the darkest periods of my life. As you notice the title of my blog is called, One Season to the Next....because really that is how our lives work.  We ebb and flow in and out of seasons. Some are short and sweet and some are long and dry. Some seasons are turbulent and so fast you had no idea what happen. Some seasons are wonderfully super and you pray it doesn't end. 

I will spare the dark details of what stopped my blogging. It was nothing sinister. It was nothing with my marriage or family. Although, we faced so many obstacles, but the season I entered in my own personal life was so long I had no idea if I would ever go to the next season. I am thankful to say I eventually did but it took a lot of healing.

There has been this longing for a few months now to get back in the old world of blogging. Some may think it is long gone. There is instagram, facebook, and so many other MEDIA ways to share your life. Blogging was always different to me as it was a place to share my heart, recipes, daily housework, tips and tricks, memories with my family, and decorating I like to do for our home. I like trying to save money and I love challenges that help create better homes such as declutting challenges. 

The season of life I'm in right now is so different from when I started blogging in 2005. I had one little boy and now he is grown and lives on his own. I have two more children, one that will be 18 in a few months and will graduate and my baby is entering high school. 

I am a Pastor's wife and a homeschool mama. Thank you for joining me as we ebb and flow through our seasons together!!!


Chrissy T


  1. Welcome Back! And thanks for stopping by. Knowing your personal ebb and flow is crucial to life. So glad you found your way back to blogging.

    1. Thank you so much for popping by!!! I enjoyed your blog so much!!! I agree, it has been a hard fight not to press against the ebb and flow but when I finally just let go it has so rewarding.

  2. I'm glad you made it thru the hard time in life. Facebook is good as I can keep in connection with friends but I like blog posts alot more. I've been blogging before my granddaughter was born 14 years ago. Now I have 3 grandchildren all in one family. Ice been thru rough times as well. I'm so thankful God has me thru it.


Weekend Recap- Seasons of Late Nights

 Happy Sunday!!!  This season is so unique. I am watching my children become young adults and use their talents and skills. My daughter star...